Experiments in elder care
Author: wudumaer
Caregiver Blues
Finding a good caregiver solution isn’t easy.
COVID Spikes and Alzheimer’s
Caregiving someone with Alzheimer’s is not easy.
When Your ALZ Mother Is Psychotic
What it can be like living with someone who is psychotic.
I Have an Evil Twin
Managing the care of someone with ALZ isn’t easy. This is especially true when the person you are dealing with could be difficult in their pre-ALZ life. And my mother could be that person.
How Communication Dies
Or was there ever communication in the first place?
It Was A Long, Tiring, Weekend
I must be some kind of emotional masochist to bring mom to the DMV on a Friday and visit my unstable aunt on a Sunday.
A Morning at the DMV with Mom
Not something I want to repeat soon.
I Was Mortified
It was worse than being embarrassed by your dad when you were 15.
Who Are You, Really?
Bureaucracy makes the world go ’round.